The Hunter's Forum
This page is to be used for all queries regarding "The Hunt". Just drop in a comment and I shall start a new post clarifying the query.
This space is supposed to be used for writing about myself, but i felt that this space is too little for that, so I dedicated an entire page to brag about me.

i am at level 29. didnt find the any answer to the question. is it a fictitious question?
I am on level 2 could u pleeeeease help me omnow to solve it.
I am on clue no.2 could u please help me solve the puzzle.
There are lot of numbers in the clue. Check the title ..what are u looking for ?
then find those ...they will form a pattern ...
i am totally lost at level 1 itself..pls help
hi ..please send me a mail ..the same address u sent to get the link ..i shall give u a clue ..
hi... the clue for level 2 is not particularly helpful...... any other clue that can help????
hi ..did u check the comments of other posts ? i have given a detailed step-by-step instruction on cracking this clue ..let me know if u dont find it thru level stuck big time in level 2...major help needed
There are lot of numbers in the clue. Check the title ..what kind of numbers should u look for ?
then find those ...they will form a pattern ...get the 7 letter word
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